Pardosa pullata courting male - HELLO SPIDER!

Arachnologia -
the study of Arachnida

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{derived from the name of that poor girl, Arachne}

The world of spiders and their relatives,
including Spider of the Month

Mitopus morio - one of the species featured in Opiliones Notesand

Opiliones Notes

I'm an arachnologist, particularly interested in harvest spiders, officially known in zoological circles as the Opiliones (or Phalangida, if you're old-fashioned) and the true spiders - the Araneida - some of which, of course, build impressive webs to catch their food but others are equally impressive hunters without recourse to building snares.

I'm also an ecologist, interested in how living organisms are linked to their environment. The different kinds of spiders provide excellent examples of how finely adapted animals can be to their world.

From time to time, I'll put little snippets of information here about these wonderful creatures.

Spiders of Scottish peat-bogs :

Arachnid communities on a wooded island in Scotland :


"a wee gem!"

Biodiversity - (how) can it be quantified?

and described?

...And going inside a harvest-spider :

One of the ecological coexistence mechanisms for spider species in temperate climes is their seasonality - some of them tend to be active at different times of the year. I can look through data gathered over the past thirty years or so and select species characteristic of different seasons - and so at least, we can look and see what's the Spider of the Month!.

British Arachnological Society
The British Arachnological Society
is well worth a look,
as well as the international
Arachnology web site, an important information source provided by Herman Vanuytven ,
and the International Society of Arachnology.
Arachnology Web Site


Well now - she was the girl who was foolish enough to boast about her spinning to the goddess Minerva (yes, she of the Fates who spins the threads of good and bad fortune controlling we wee mortals). Annoyed, Minerva turned her into a spider, spinning her webs to feed herself.

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