BBB - Book 3 Sense and Communication: Chapter 4 Vision

Some items of information and things to think about, aimed at helping you to understand some of the processes involved in vision.

With thanks to my colleagues, Robin Orchardson and Fred Toates.

Prof. Dave Curtis.

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Our perception of the world depends upon a complex interaction between two things:

(1) raw sensory information (also termed `data') and
(2) the context, stored memories, expectations (also termed `concepts).
Thus, perception is said to be data driven and concept driven.

Two meanings of terms bottom-up and top-down:
(1) in the process of perception;
(2) in the process of scientific understanding. For example, an explanation might be said to be sought by reduction and thereby given `bottom-up'.
You could start bottom-up in both senses of the meaning:
(a) by looking at the raw sensory data and how it is translated into neural signals
and (b) by considering the insight into perception that can be gained by looking at nervous system processes.

Consider the claim (Section 4.1) " will be regarded as an indirect and active process which begins with a description of the image but which must also solve the formidable problem of working out what object produced the image'.

First stages of visual processing can be called descriptive and later stages interpretive.

Note that flat 2-dimensional image becomes interpreted as 3-dimensional world.

Structure of the human eye

Diagram of cross-section through eyeIn the eye note:

(1) cornea
(2) lens
(3) retina
(4) fovea
(5) optic nerve
(6) blind spot
(7) pupil

Structure of the retinaStructure of retina

In this figure, note receptor layer, retinal ganglion cells and intermediate cells.

Note that retina is `inside out' and the reason why a blind spot exists.

Graded potentials in cells at early stages - action potentials only appear
at the ganglion level.

Note convergence of receptor cells on to retinal ganglion cells.
This convergence varies over retina. It is least at the fovea (shown in first figure) = high acuity.

Retinal receptors contain rhodopsin.
This chemical interacts with light and in so doing the receptor cell hyperpolarizes.
Note that this is the opposite of what normally happens in sensory detection (e.g. depolarization of a nociceptor).
In the dark there is a certain background level of transmitter release.
Thus light absorption causes hyperpolarization causes reduction in transmitter release.

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The receptive field of a retinal ganglion cell.

What is it? It's that part of the visual field where light will cause the firing rate of the retinal ganglion cell to change from its background firing rate.

Remember how to measure the receptive field? Check it out on the CD-rom, or in Book 3, Ch. 4.

There are two antagonistic regions of the receptive field: on-region (light causes increase in firing rate) and off-regions (light causes decrease in firing rate).
These regions form concentric regions:- on-centre and off-centre cells.

Study Note:
So what function do ganglion cells serve?
With the opposing areas in their receptive fields, they provide a way of making a comparison - detection of edges, distinction between small light object and large white object. It is interesting to compare this with similar processes in the touch receptor system.

But ganglion cells also can play a role in the detection of luminance discontinuities of the kind shown here (Figure 4.13 of Book 3).Luminance discontinuity

This is achieved as shown below, which should be compared with the schematic shown in Figure 4.16 of Book 3. Luminance discontinuity over receptive field

Here, the dark area covers part of the inhibitory surround of the receptive field - so there is an increase in the cell's firing rate.

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How to understand certain illusions in terms of the output of ganglion cells. visual illusion at edge

See Figure 4.21 on p.98. reproduced here.

However, note that the ganglion cell output explains part of your perception but not all of it.

You tend to see something like the profile shown in the figure below.

graph of perceived edge

Hence it seems that the perceptual process extrapolates based upon information at luminance discontinuities.

Craik-Cornsweet-O'Brien illusion

Evidence that this is so is provided by the perception of the figure here (reproduced from Figure 4.22 of Book 4).

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Visual pathway goes from retinal ganglion cells to lateral geniculate nucleus to cells in the visual cortex.

Processing of the visual information continues in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). visual cortex cell receptive field

The receptive field of an LGN cell is similar to that of a retinal ganglion cell but cortical cells have slit-like, elongated receptive fields as shown here.

These cells then project on to the visual cortex, where further processing takes place.

Note that receptive fields of cortical cells, as with the retinal ganglion cells, are defined in terms of retinal surface and the positions of light and dark parts of the image.

Various types of cortical cell:

Receptive field of corticalcell.
1. simple cells -

one fixed position of optimal stimulus

cortical cell receptive field

2. complex cells -

receptive field such as to allow a variety of different
stimuli at a given orientation to trigger the cell.

cortical hypercomplex cell receptive field

3. hypercomplex cells -

similar to cornplex but respond less if stimulus
protrudes beyond receptive field's positive area.

Why the output of a single complex cell cannot code for orientation.

See Figure here (Figure 4.26 of Book 3)orientation & brightness effects on simple cortical cells

and compare with story of colour vision given later.

The individual cell portrayed in Fig. 4.26 cannot differentiate between a dim stimlus aligned to its on-region and a bright stimulus at a different orientation.

Note in Figure below (Figure 4.27 of Book 3) how the comparison is performed.

pooled responses of cortical cells

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Section 4.4 of Book 3 Spectral composition

The perception of different colours corresponds to different wavelengths of light. Monochromatic light is that of a single wavelength. White light is composed of light of a number of different wavelengths.

The figure shown here (after Figure 4.34 of Book 3) shows the responses 
of 3 different cone types to stimulation with monochromatic light of different colours.

Three different types of cone provide trichromatic vision.

Cones are at highest density in the fovea - rare in periphery.
They have smaller receptive fields than rods - so greater acuity at fovea, and geater sensitivity (but no colour vision) in periphery.

The problem of perceiving colour is solved by colour opponency.

See Figure 4.35 of Book 3 reproduced below.

response of colour opponent cell 

 Towards perception....

Section 4.9 of Book 3 considers the interpretive processes involved in perception.

The term `recognize' means to know again (re-cognize) - implies comparison of incoming information against some internal representation.

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