Spider of the Month - April
Trochosa terricola

In this part of the world - Scotland, things are usually just starting to warm up again now in spring - usually after a wet winter.

On moorland and peatbogs, the cursorial, hunting wolf-spiders start to roam and prominent amongst them is Trochosa terricola. Males become particularly plentiful just about this time of year - you can find females more generally throughout the seasons.

Look at that picture - what an impressive spider, ideally built for hunting down its prey through the tough vegetation of heather, grass and moss.

The illustration was painted (yes, painted!) by Dr. Mike Roberts - see his wonderful book: The Spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, published by Harley Books in 1985.

Equally impressive and incredibly useful, featuring more of his illustrations, is the Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe, Michael J. Roberts (1995), published by HarperCollinsPublishers.

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