SD206 Tutorial 6

Revision notes on BRAIN FUNCTION & DISEASE (Book 6)

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Biology of neurological disease (§5.2)


Pathological causes of brain disease:

Vascular e.g. stroke (haemorrhage or thrombosis)
Trauma e.g. head injury
Infections e.g. encephalitis, meningitis
Toxins e.g. alcohol, heavy metals
Tumours primary or secondary
Degeneration e.g. Alzheimer's disease
Developmental e.g. Down's syndrome, hypothyroidism

Recovery (§5.3)

Although central nervous tissue does not regenerate, some degree of recovery from brain disease may occur.
The extent depends on the type and extent of lesion, its duration and the age it occurs.
Recovery is best in the young, when some plasticity remains (i.e. during a sensitive period).
This may be take the form of axonal sprouting, unmasking of 'silent' synapses or structuring of pathways (e.g. 'taking over' areas that are 'uncommitted').

The Figure below (p 147 of Book 6) shows that for injuries to different areas of the brain, the extent of recovery is greatest the younger the age at time of injury. Recovery is best for visual field defects, followed by motor deficits, then somatosensory deficits, whilst there is least recovery with dysphasias.
The figure shows the estimated improvement between the time of the initial examination made (within one week of injury) and follow-up examination (20-30 years later) for motor, somatosensory, visual field and aphasia deficits, broken down by age at time of injury.

Age-related recovery from deficits

Aetiology of neurological disease ( §4.1, 4.2):

Genetic disorders Environmental causes
Chromosomal: Down's syndrome Infections
Genes: Toxins:
Huntington's chorea
Lesch-Nyhan's disease


Basal ganglia disorders (§4.3)

Basal ganglia play a major role in initiating movements and in switching from one movement to another.
There are complex feedback control circuits between the BG and the motor cortex via the thalamus.
Damage to these pathways can result in disordered movement, which may involve excessive movement (hyperkinetic) or diminished movements (hypokinetic).

Hypokinetic states:

e.g. Parkinson's disease
Resting tremor rigidity
slowness and lack of 'gestures/expression'
Degeneration of dopamine neurons in nigro-striatal pathwav
        drug treatment: L-DOPA
        transplants: sources of viable dopaminergic cells
                adrenal medulla autografts
                foetal substantia nigra

Hyperkinetic states

e.g. Huntington's chorea (Gr. chorea=dance)
excessive, uncoordinated movements of body
runs in families, and now establishes as due to abnormal gene
Depletion of GABA neurons in striatum (caudate nucleus)


Parkinson's Huntington's
Genetic basis No evidence Yes, single gene disorder
Age at onset 40-50 15 + (30-50 mainly)


What 'triggers'these diseases which often begin in middle age?
Attempts have been made to implicate various external factors, such as certain toxins, but no clear associations have been found. It is not known why some people are somehow more susceptible to these disorders.

Neural mechanisms of Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases: (§4.3.2)

The diagrams below attempt to summarise the role of the Basal Ganglia in motor control, and how the normal control mechanisms are disrupted in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease. The diagrams are based on Figures 4.6, 4.9 and 4.10 in Book 6, but are modified to include an extra 'loop' involving a small but important part of the basal ganglia the subthalamic nucleus, which is not mentioned in Book 6. This is added to explain how increased inhibition from the striatum to the globus pallidus can cause an increased output from the globus pallidus (e.g. see Fig 4.10).Motor control loops

This is admittedly small print stuff, but many students have asked about this apparent paradox.

Localization of cerebral functions (Ch 6)

Evidence based on nature and extent of functional deficits following localized brain damage (lesions).
The extent of localization of function depends on interpretation of evidence.

Localisation of function (differences within hemispheres)

Clinical evidence; Penfield's experiments with focal stimulation

Neocortex: different functional areas of the cortex e.g.
Primary motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, visual cortex, auditory cortex, olfactory areas.
Broca's and Wernicke's areas for language: evidence from studies of dysphasia.
(N.B. language functions are not 'localised' to one small area: many areas function together, each making a unique contribution to overall language function.

Temporal lobe and hippocampal involvement in memory:
Here, different regions serve different aspects of memory.
(Penfield - localised (episodic memories); Lashley - diffuse location of memory for running a maze)

Lateralisation of function (differences between hemispheres)

Right/left hemispheric differences (not mere mirrors of each other)
Each hemisphere controls function of the contralateral side of body

Concept of dominant / non-dominant hemispheres

But the 'dominant' hemisphere does not 'dominate' the other one. Hence alternative names:
        Categorical ('dominant') hemisphere
        Representational ('non-dominant') hemisphere

Left hemisphere is language-dominant in majority of people: 90% of right-handers and 65% of lefthanders.
Left hemisphere: verbal abilities; right hemisphere: spatial ones
Left hippocampus: verbal memories; right hippocampus: non-verbal (spatial) memories.

Evidence from 'split brains' (§6.3.1)

Subjects with complete division of the corpus callosum. and thus no neural connections between the right and left hemispheres reveal something of the functional capabilities of 'isolated' cerebral hemispheres.

A 'split-brain' patient is shown a brief glimpse of a split picture (using a tachistoscope), such that a different image is presented to each visual field, and thus to each half of the brain. When asked what (s)he saw, the patient says (the left hemisphere talking), "Man..". But if asked to point out the observed picture from a selection, the patient invariably points to the one seen by the 'silent' (right) hemisphere. Thus, the right hemisphere is not under the 'yoke' of the 'dominant' left, but can express its 'thoughts' if allowed to do so. (But is this evidence for two independent minds ?)

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