SD206 - BBB - Tutorial 1 Some questions on Book 1

Behaviour 1 (Chapters 1 & 2)

1. What are the five kinds of answer to the question "why?" in animal behaviour?

2. What does "innate" mean?

3. What is the difference between instinctive and innate?

4. Why is the concept of a fixed action pattern both useful and wrong?

5. Is a reflex action a fixed action pattern?

6. How do pheromones differ from hormones?

7. "Sensory filtering serves to restrict exteroceptive information". Give three general ways in which sensory filtering can occur.

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Cells, genes and proteins (Chapter 3, also Introduction & Guide)

1. What does a zygote inherit from its parents?

2. What does "turning on" and "switching on" a gene mean?

3. Why are proteins important in cells?

4. How can different cells in the same animal contain different proteins?

5. What is the significance of the fact that different cells in the same animal contain different proteins?

6. Why are there no genes for behaviour?

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Behaviour 2 (Chapters 4 & 5)

1. Give two examples of continuous and discontinuous variation.

2. Why is variation important to natural selection?

3. How does variation arise?

4. What is a normal distribution?

5. Under what circumstances would there be no variation between individuals of the same species?

6. Why is it wrong to say that altruistic behaviour is for the good of the species?

7. How can a character or a behaviour be adaptive?

8. Must species-specific behaviour be inherited?

9. On balance, which is more influential in determining behaviour: genes or environment?

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